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Village Charter

Location: Boise, Idaho


Terrestrial Data:

Weather: Overcast
Cloud Type: Stratus
Air Temp: 9.7 °C
Water or Soil Temp: 7.0 °C
Light: 5800 lux
Canopy Cover: 70 %
School: Village Charter

The Aspen Grove is in a bowl, of sorts. Very lush with lots of green foliage. Some dead and down trees. The area feels moist. 

Terrestrial Data:

Weather: Overcast
Cloud Type: Cirrus, Stratus
Air Temp: 9.6 °C
Water or Soil Temp: 10.3 °C
Light: 900 lux
Canopy Cover: 60 %
School: Village Charter

The ground was very dry when we sat down to make observations. We found insect eggs on a sagebrush during our exploration. Only a few tree species and mature trees near our collection site. Lots of grayish colors and a dull appearance

Aquatic Data:

Weather: Clear, Sunny
Dissolved Oxygen: 8.7 mg/L
Water or Soil Temp: 15.4 °C
School: Village Charter

The marsh was muddy, merkey, and dark. There was a couple small aspen trees but no tall pine trees. We saw a little frog, a snake, and ducks.

Weather: Clear, Sunny
Dissolved Oxygen: 11.3 mg/L
Water or Soil Temp: 15.4 °C
School: Village Charter

There was a lot of rocks and bigger trees. We saw scat. There was big logs floating around the bay.